3 Top Reasons Austin Temples And Churches Have Custom Stained Glass Installed

3 Top Reasons Austin Temples And Churches Have Custom Stained Glass Installed

We speak often about stained glass restoration here at Stained Glass Austin because it is a very timely topic for almost any church over the age of about 80 years that has stained glass windows. But the truth is we also do a lot of custom stained glass for our religious clients too–those looking to enhance their temple or church appearance. The reasons vary as to why churches, temples, mosques, and synagogues come to us for custom stained glass but below you will find the most popular reasons.

Reason 1: Custom Church Stained Glass For A More Lovely Austin Church or Temple

By far the top reason for custom stained glass installation in churches is–it is a stunning addition to any space. The beautiful colors, divine themes and the lovely glow of the Austin sun through these windows makes for an ethereal feel to any house of God. It is an enhancement that makes perfect sense in accomplishing and elevated religious experience in any church, chapel or synagogue.

Reason 2: Custom Church Stained Glass As A Gift Or Memorial To Your Austin Church or Temple

Custom stained glass is the perfect way to pay tribute to a member of a church that has passed by anyone from family to friends or even the congregation itself. It is also a wonderful way for living members to give a lasting gift. Stained glass, so full of life and luster, will truly honor the generosity shown by these members for years to come. Since stained glass is so easily customizable, donations like always reflect the donor’s life and legacy in the church.

Reason 3: Custom Church Stained Glass To Leave The Next Generation Of Worshipers

You probably already understand the legacy value stained glass if your Austin church or temple already has it. Like the stained glass that was given to your congregation, installing custom stained glass today is a wonderful gift to the next generation. It is something that is incredibly valuable and a blessing that is only possible with the passing of time and with great forethought. And, it is important to note that our custom stained glass is extremely high- quality and will likely last 150-200 years before needing serious restoration!

For more information and a quote on custom stained glass for your Austin church, contact us at Stained Glass Austin, today!



Martin Faith is a talented artisan, businessman, and collector of rare and antique stained glass windows. After moving to the United States from Scotland, Martin opened up his own studio which produces custom, handmade stained glass. He and his team have produced over 50,000 stained and leaded glass windows for over 12,000 customers of various styles including Art Noveau, Art Deco, Mission, Prairie, Greene & Greene, contemporary, and beveled glass. Martin's areas of expertise range widely and include historic glass preservation, religious stained glass, and restoration. His work adorns the walls of homes, businesses, and churches all throughout the city of Austin and the surrounding area.

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