Have hallway window light, without losing privacy.

Have hallway window light, without losing privacy.

Hallway and stairwell windows are a fantastic architectural feature. They not only let in light and air flow, they also provide some interest in a dull area. Many Austin homes have hallway, or stairwell windows that provide light, but at the expense of much needed privacy. It is always a bit unnerving to be so close to a neighbor’s home that you can see inside it, especially if you like to wander around your home with very few or no clothes.

This desire for privacy can cause Austin homeowners to cover these little windows with curtains, blinds, or shades, in order to keep from looking straight into their neighbors’ windows. Or worse, having their neighbors look into theirs’. But this is a shame, because these coverings block the light as well, negating the very reason these windows were added by the builder in the first place.

There is a better solution to this problem; in fact, we believe it is a MUCH better solution. It’s a prettier solution, it’s a practical solution, and it’s a solution that will even add value to your home. We are talking about hallway stained glass. Particularly beveled and frosted stained glass windows that are built with clear glass to let in the sun’s light, but are blurred enough that you can’t see through them from the inside out. And no one else can see through them from the outside in.

Imagine climbing your staircase and enjoying the prisms of light as they refract through the beveled glass in your stairwell window. What a lovely way to add a piece of art where it is unexpected. Hallways stained glass can also make a great first impression when people enter your home, as opposed to just a dark and plain corridor. If your hallway is narrow, and cannot fit any furniture, if it is kind of dark and it would be pointless to add any art, you can add interest and beauty and uniqueness with hallway stained glass.


Make use of that little hallway window to take the space from drab to fab! Your hallways stained glass can be any type of pattern, any type of style. If you don’t prefer the idea of solely clear and textured glasses, and want to add some pops of vibrant color to liven up the space, you might want to consider what is known as Prairie Style, popularized by Frank Lloyd Wright. This style is mostly clear glass ( but you can always use textured or frosted if privacy is a concern) with small pieces of earth or jewel toned glass integrated into the design.

Take a look at Prairie Style stained glass here. Notice the simple lines and geometric shapes?

Another popular idea for hallways stained glass or stairwell stained glass is the Celtic style. This lends itself beautifully to the clear glasses, and the intricate knots offer a pop of ancient Celtic spirituality.

Take a look at Celtic style stained glass here.

Whatever style you choose for your hallway stained glass, we hope you will contact us. We’d love to earn your business.

Martin Faith is a talented artisan, businessman, and collector of rare and antique stained glass windows. After moving to the United States from Scotland, Martin opened up his own studio which produces custom, handmade stained glass. He and his team have produced over 50,000 stained and leaded glass windows for over 12,000 customers of various styles including Art Noveau, Art Deco, Mission, Prairie, Greene & Greene, contemporary, and beveled glass. Martin's areas of expertise range widely and include historic glass preservation, religious stained glass, and restoration. His work adorns the walls of homes, businesses, and churches all throughout the city of Austin and the surrounding area.

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