Privacy Problems Solved With Stained Glass Windows

Privacy Problems Solved With Stained Glass Windows

Stained glass windows are not just decorative; they add value to your home and provide a truly elegant solution to various problems. For instance… you’ve finally moved into your lovely new home, the one you searched months for. The one that has every feature you ever wanted. Everything is perfect – spacious, fresh, new, and designed to your exacting tastes.

Only one problem – that fantastic bay window behind the your huge whirlpool tub, the one in the master bathroom that you originally thought was such an asset… it’s just a bit too close to your neighbor’s house for comfort.

Can they see in? That thought is pretty worrisome, and who wants to take the chance?

Protect Your Privacy With Beautiful Stained Glass Windows

SCustom Stained Glass Windowso what are your options? Sneak into the tub in the dark, with the lights off? Hang a curtain and miss out on all the lovely sunshine that makes that room feel so special? Get custom shades for all three panes of glass, and pull them up and down all the time?

Any of those would work, but for a solution that’s a bit more original, a bit more unique and actually adds real value to your home – why not add stained glass? When most people think of stained glass windows, they automatically picture vivid colors, but stained or leaded glass windows can be made of textured and beveled glass in various degrees of transparency. The patterns can be modern, classical, Deco, or any style you like.

Stained glass windows can be custom designed and installed to your existing bay window, providing the privacy you need while still allowing the glorious sunshine to light up the room.

Voila – privacy problem solved!

Stained Glass Panel Benefits

Here’s an added benefit to adding stained glass panels, whether colored or clear, to your windows. If you’ve ever sat in the tub next to a big window during wintertime, you know how uncomfortable that cold air coming through the glass can feel. With stained glass installation, the original panes of glass are not removed; rather the stained glass is installed on the inside of them, allowing you to reap some pretty cool thermal benefits. Your single paned window now has the insulating properties of a double, keeping the heat in during the colder months and the air conditioning in during the hot ones.

Can curtains say the same?

Stained glass windows can be custom designed to perfectly match the era or architecture of that fabulous house you spent so long looking for. They might even become one of the focal points of your home’s design.

Add Property Value With Stained Glass

And although you just moved in and are probably not thinking about selling your lovely abode, if that day should come, you’ll be doubly delighted by the effect stained glass panels in windows or doors have on potential buyers. They make your home classier, more valuable and that much more memorable in a sea of similar homes.

If stained glass has piqued your interest as a privacy solution or just a way to add a beautiful accent to any room in your home, you might want to browse through our photo galleries for some inspiration or contact us for more information. Enjoy!

Martin Faith is a talented artisan, businessman, and collector of rare and antique stained glass windows. After moving to the United States from Scotland, Martin opened up his own studio which produces custom, handmade stained glass. He and his team have produced over 50,000 stained and leaded glass windows for over 12,000 customers of various styles including Art Noveau, Art Deco, Mission, Prairie, Greene & Greene, contemporary, and beveled glass. Martin's areas of expertise range widely and include historic glass preservation, religious stained glass, and restoration. His work adorns the walls of homes, businesses, and churches all throughout the city of Austin and the surrounding area.

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