Stained glass can be custom built to any style you like.

Stained glass can be custom built to any style you like.

Stained glass comes in various styles including Celtic, Mackintosh, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, and Prairie Style to name a few. These styles are well known throughout the stained glass community. Now, we know that Austin residents are rugged individualists and like to express their personal style in everything they do.

And we know that that individualism extends to their choices in stained glass styles. So if any of the above mentioned styles don’t appeal to you, not to worry. When you work with Stained Glass Austin, our designers are trained and have studied many other styles. We are big fans of antique stained glass, religious stained glass, and Frank Lloyd Wright style stained glass, as well as modern and abstract designs.

What we’re trying to say is that if you have your own style in mind, or don’t want to be pigeonholed into any known style, our designers will work with you. We will collaborate to come up with the perfect custom stained glass styles for you. For any window in your home or office, any size or shape. Using any patterns, any textures, any colors. And yes, we have hundreds of colors and types of glass for you to choose from, sourced from the highest quality glass manufacturers around the country and around the globe.


Here’s the drill. You decide you absolutely must have some classy, funky, beautiful, or elegant stained glass in your home. You know you want vivid colors to complement your décor, or you want colorless frosted glass that will match any décor (great if you ever put the house on the market), or you want any combination thereof. We show up (well, not all of us, just one of our talented designers) at your home with samples, photos, etc. And then, together, we create the pattern and choose the exact glass for your stained glass windows or doors.

The design process is a lot of fun, because honestly, stained glass styles are just about infinite.

Now, you might be feeling a bit intimidated. What if you don’t know what stained glass style you want? What if you know you love stained glass, but you have a lot of trouble making decisions, and too many choices overwhelm you?

No worries on that account. Our Stained Glass Austin design staff can help you choose the perfect style, colors and pattern for any window in your home. We have over two decades of experience, and can help you pick something you are guaranteed to be delighted with, and will not tire of. That is one of the magical things about stained glass – our clients never seem to tire of it once installed. And they are frequently bitten by the “stained glass bug” and keep calling us for more stained glass in their own favorite style.

Needless to say, we couldn’t be more delighted. We hope, if you are considering stained glass in your Austin home, that you’ll give us the opportunity to earn your business. Let us delight you!

Martin Faith is a talented artisan, businessman, and collector of rare and antique stained glass windows. After moving to the United States from Scotland, Martin opened up his own studio which produces custom, handmade stained glass. He and his team have produced over 50,000 stained and leaded glass windows for over 12,000 customers of various styles including Art Noveau, Art Deco, Mission, Prairie, Greene & Greene, contemporary, and beveled glass. Martin's areas of expertise range widely and include historic glass preservation, religious stained glass, and restoration. His work adorns the walls of homes, businesses, and churches all throughout the city of Austin and the surrounding area.

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