Stained glass windows for your kitchen can be a beautiful upgrade.

Stained glass windows for your kitchen can be a beautiful upgrade.

When you think of stained glass in your home you might think of entryway stained glass, for the sidelights or front door, or transom stained glass to turn those small transom windows into pieces of art.

One area of your home that would look beautiful with stained glass is your kitchen. Imagine standing in the kitchen preparing a meal while in the presence of beautiful stained glass designs. There are several reasons why this unexpected idea might be perfect for you.

1. You’ve been dying to give your kitchen a facelift, an upgrade, but don’t have the budget for it right now. But by adding kitchen stained glass windows – and perhaps matching stained glass cabinet doors – your kitchen will turn into a work of art that will attract your eye in a pleasing manner. No, it’s not the same as a whole new kitchen, but it will give your existing kitchen a whole new look.

2. If you are renovating your kitchen, that’s the perfect time to add some stained glass windows. Or doors! Do you have a sliding glass kitchen door, a dull and ordinary pantry door, or a window over your sink? Adding stained glass is a great way to pull together a cohesive look throughout your kitchen, and take your renovation one giant leap further in terms of elegance and class.

3. Do your kitchen windows open on a less than stellar view? We visited one apartment in downtown Austin where the kitchen window opened onto a view of a brick wall. It was lovely in terms of letting air into the kitchen, but less than lovely in terms of standing at your sink, washing dishes and staring at an ugly wall. By adding stained glass to the window, you can still get the air flow (because a functional window can still be functional even with a stained glass panel installed), but give yourself something delightful to admire while you stand there.

Austin Frank Lloyd Wright Style Stained Glass

Stained glass kitchen windows are becoming more and more requested by our Austin clients. And it’s no wonder. They add uniqueness, personality, style, color (or not!), and a sense of richness to your kitchen. Is your kitchen one of your favorite rooms in your home? Have you spent hours poring through the Home Depot or other home furnishing stores finding just the right counter top, or that absolutely perfect kitchen table and chairs to fit your kitchen nook?

Then don’t leave your windows plain! In many kitchens, there is not much room to add any artwork or any jolt of color. With stained glass kitchen windows, you kill two decorating birds with one glass stone. Turn your kitchen into a work of art, add as much color as you’d like, or keep the tones clear or neutral to match with any décor.

Stained glass kitchen windows are the perfect choice when you are looking to add something custom made, something unique, something altogether special to your Austin kitchen. Why not give Stained Glass Austin a call today to set up an free consultation with one of our designers?

Martin Faith is a talented artisan, businessman, and collector of rare and antique stained glass windows. After moving to the United States from Scotland, Martin opened up his own studio which produces custom, handmade stained glass. He and his team have produced over 50,000 stained and leaded glass windows for over 12,000 customers of various styles including Art Noveau, Art Deco, Mission, Prairie, Greene & Greene, contemporary, and beveled glass. Martin's areas of expertise range widely and include historic glass preservation, religious stained glass, and restoration. His work adorns the walls of homes, businesses, and churches all throughout the city of Austin and the surrounding area.

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