Beautiful Ways to Incorporate Stained Glass in Your Austin Kitchen Remodel

kitchen stained glass austin

Beautiful Ways to Incorporate Stained Glass in Your Austin Kitchen Remodel

Stained glass improves Austin homes’ aesthetics by using traditional methods to create an improved modern design, much like our dynamic city itself. That’s why stained glass is such a fantastic choice for an eye-catching design element in your kitchen, one of the focal points of any Austin home.

kitchen stained glass austin

Mix the Old With New for A Stylish New Kitchen

From kitchen windows and pantry doors to kitchen cabinets, installing our stained glass infuses Austin kitchens with a sense of rich luxury reminiscent of Old World Europe, but with a more contemporary spin that stylishly decorates kitchens without interfering with their functionality.

Choose from styles ranging from traditional floral or Celtic designs to modern and Art Deco influences. Add stained glass to your Austin kitchen through custom windows, glass paneled pantry doors, and kitchen cabinet doors for a unique touch that will become a talking point with friends, family, and neighbors at your next gathering.

Easy Stained Glass Installation for Kitchen Cabinets

At Stained Glass Austin, we install our premium, handcrafted stained glass onto your current kitchen cabinets or create custom kitchen cabinet doors that will safely hold your new stained glass. We integrate our fine stained glass into your Austin home seamlessly, whether you want your stained glass to match or complement the theme. If you’re remodeling your kitchen, we can work with your cabinet builder to match your cabinets, from lighter colors and textures for transparency to heavier glass more for decoration.

Our stained glass is a beautiful addition to any Austin home. For more tips read this article on decorating with stained glass.

Let the Experts at Stained Glass Austin Help with Your Next Project

Call or email Stained Glass Austin today to speak with one of our experts about installing our high-quality stained glass in your Austin home!

Martin Faith is a talented artisan, businessman, and collector of rare and antique stained glass windows. After moving to the United States from Scotland, Martin opened up his own studio which produces custom, handmade stained glass. He and his team have produced over 50,000 stained and leaded glass windows for over 12,000 customers of various styles including Art Noveau, Art Deco, Mission, Prairie, Greene & Greene, contemporary, and beveled glass. Martin's areas of expertise range widely and include historic glass preservation, religious stained glass, and restoration. His work adorns the walls of homes, businesses, and churches all throughout the city of Austin and the surrounding area.

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